Improving Parity in Surgery (No CME)
Session Description
Women and minorities remain underrepresented in pay, opportunity, and leadership positions in surgery. Parity is linked to success in business and in health care; profitability, productivity, performance, and innovation all increase when racial and gender equality are achieved. Current estimates are that true parity will be not achieved until well into the 22nd century at the current rates of diffusion of women and minorities into the profession. This panel will explore the important and timely topic of parity in the domain of surgery, including enumerating the benefits of parity, identifying barriers to achieving parity, and specifying solutions that can be implemented now to accelerate the fulfillment of parity.
Course Outline
- Setting the Stage: Where Are We and Why Does It Matter?
Caprice C. Greenberg, MD, MPH, FACS, Madison, WI - Steps Forward: What Has and Is Being Done at Academic Institutions?
Sherry M. Wren, MD, FACS, FCS(ECSA), Palo Alto, CA - Lessons from Outside Surgery: How Others Work to Achieve Parity
Siri Chilazi, MBA, MPP, Cambridge, MA - Panel of Discussants and Action Plan
Herbert Chen, MD and Barbara Bass, MD, FACS
Target Audience
- Practicing surgeons
- Residents
Learning Objectives
- Apply new knowledge and ideas to improve their surgical practice
- Adapt concepts and quality measures in support of research advancements
- Enhance the quality of patient care
- For questions about the course content, please contact [email protected].
- If you have any technical questions, contact [email protected].
Disclosure Information
In accordance with the ACCME Accreditation Criteria, the American College of Surgeons must ensure that anyone in a position to control the content of the educational activity (planners and speakers/authors/discussants/moderators) has disclosed all relevant financial relationships with any commercial interest. For additional information, please visit the ACCME website: http://www.accme.org/requirements/accreditation-requirements-cme-providers/policies-and-definitions/financial-relationships-and-conflicts-interest
The ACCME also requires that ACS manage any reported conflict and eliminate the potential for bias during the educational activity. Any conflicts noted below have been managed to our satisfaction. The disclosure information is intended to identify any commercial relationships and allow learners to form their own judgments. However, if you perceive a bias during a activity, please report it on the evaluation.
(Download the full list of disclosures.)
Faculty and Disclosures
Caprice C. Greenberg, MD, MPH, FACS, Madison, WI - Johnson and Johnson Institute: Consulting fee and travel: Global Education Council
Sherry M. Wren, MD, FACS, FCS(ECSA), Palo Alto, CA - Intuitive Surgical: Consulting Fees: consultant
Siri Chilazi, MBA, MPP, Cambridge, MA - No Disclosures
Program Committee and Disclosures
CHAIR: Henri R. Ford, MD, MHA, FACS, FAAP, FRCSEng(Hon), Miami, FL - No Disclosures
VICE-CHAIR: David T. Cooke, MD, FACS, Sacramento, CA - No Disclosures
David C. Borgstrom, MD, FACS, Morgantown, WV - No Disclosures
Daniel L. Dent, MD, FACS, San Antonio, TX - No Disclosures
Roger R. Dmochowski, MD, FACS, Nashville, TN - Allergen: Honoraria: Consultant
Audra A. Duncan, MD, FACS, London, ON - No Disclosures
Mariam F. Eskander, MD, Boston, MA - No Disclosures
Paula Ferrada, MD, FACS, Richmond, VA - No Disclosures
Neil H. Hyman, MD, FACS, Chicago, IL - No Disclosures
Martin S. Karpeh, Jr., MD, FACS, New York, NY - No Disclosures
Dennis H. Kraus, MD, FACS, New York, NY - No Disclosures
Kenneth W. Sharp, MD, FACS, Nashville, TN - No Disclosures
David A. Spain, MD, FACS, Stanford, CA - No Disclosures
Mary T. Hawn, MD, FACS, Stanford, CA - No Disclosures
Daniel M. Herron, MD, FACS, FASBMS, New York, NY - No Disclosures
Barbara Lee Bass, MD, FACS, FRCS(Hon), Houston, TX - No Disclosures
Quan-Yang Duh, MD, FACS, San Francisco, CA - No Disclosures
B. J. Hancock, MD, FACS, FRCSC, Winnipeg, MB - No Disclosures
Ronald V. Maier, MD, FACS, FRCSEd(Hon), Seattle, WA - No Disclosures
Valerie W. Rusch, MD, FACS, New York, NY - No Disclosures
A Certificate of Completion will be awarded.
This educational activity is not eligible for CME or CE credits.
Available Credit
- 0.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.00 Certificate of Completion
- 0.00 Self Assessment Credit