Avoiding Surgeon Burnout with Lifestyle Modification
Session Description
Surgeon burnout has become a real problem for our specialty. Surgeons are perfectionists with a strong work ethic and they typically place the health of others before their own. Risk of burnout may be decreased by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Functioning at an optimal level of fitness and energy is ideal and to do so will ultimately benefit not only the personal well-being of the surgeon, but the quality of surgical care. This panel will explore some of the unique wellness challenges faced by surgeons and emphasize practical tactics to mitigate them. The panel will discuss current but novel strategies to incorporate mindfulness into a busy schedule, develop and maintain life balance, and avoid behavior which could lead to burnout.
Moderator: Virginia R. Litle, MD, FACS, Boston, MA
Co-Moderator: Raphael C. Sun, MD, Houston, TX
Virginia R. Litle, MD, FACS, Boston, MA
Overview: Resilience and Grit vs. Burnout
Raphael C. Sun, MD, Houston, TX
Surgeon Health, Well-Being, and Joy: A New Paradigm to Prevent Burnout in Surgery
Mary L. Brandt, MD, FACS, Houston, TX
Mindful Motion
Pamela Stokes, BS, Fairfax, CA
Organizational Approaches to Reducing Faculty Burnout
Christina Cellini, MD, FACS, Rochester, NY
Mid-Career Crisis: Individual Approaches to Reducing Burnout
Manju Subramanian, MD, Boston, MA
Sponsored by the Women in Surgery Committee and the Resident and Associate Society
Target Audience
- Practicing surgeons
- Residents
Learning Objectives
- Apply new knowledge and ideas to improve their surgical practice
- Adapt concepts and quality measures in support of research advancements
- Enhance the quality of patient care
For questions about the course, please contact [email protected].
Disclosure Information
In accordance with the ACCME Accreditation Criteria, the American College of Surgeons must ensure that anyone in a position to control the content of the educational activity (planners and speakers/authors/discussants/moderators) has disclosed all relevant financial relationships with any commercial interest. For additional information, please visit the ACCME website.
The ACCME also requires that ACS manage any reported conflict and eliminate the potential for bias during the educational activity. Any conflicts noted below have been managed to our satisfaction. The disclosure information is intended to identify any commercial relationships and allow learners to form their own judgments. However, if you perceive a bias during a activity, please report it on the evaluation.
(Download the full list of disclosures).
Faculty and Disclosures
Christina Cellini MD, FACS - Nothing to Disclose
Manju Subramanian MD - Nothing to Disclose
Mary L. Brandt MD, FACS - Nothing to Disclose
Pamela Grace Stokes BS - Nothing to Disclose
Raphael C. Sun MD - Nothing to Disclose
Virginia R. Litle, MD, FACS - Fluen BioSciences, Inc: Investment in translational genomic company
Program Committee and Disclosures
CHAIR: Henri R. Ford, MD, MHA, FACS, FAAP, FRCSEng(Hon), Miami, FL - Nothing to Disclosure
VICE-CHAIR: David T. Cooke, MD, FACS, Sacramento, CA - Nothing to Disclosure
David C. Borgstrom, MD, FACS, Morgantown, WV - Nothing to Disclosure
Daniel L. Dent, MD, FACS, San Antonio, TX - Nothing to Disclosure
Roger R. Dmochowski, MD, FACS, Nashville, TN - Allergen: Honoraria: Consultant
Cynthia D. Downard, MD, FACS, Louisville, KY - Nothing to Disclosure
Audra A. Duncan, MD, FACS, London, ON - Nothing to Disclosure
Mariam F. Eskander, MD, Boston, MA - Nothing to Disclosure
Paula Ferrada, MD, FACS, Richmond, VA - Nothing to Disclosure
Neil H. Hyman, MD, FACS, Chicago, IL - Nothing to Disclosure
Martin S. Karpeh, Jr., MD, FACS, New York, NY - Nothing to Disclosure
Dennis H. Kraus, MD, FACS, New York, NY - Nothing to Disclosure
Kenneth W. Sharp, MD, FACS, Nashville, TN - Nothing to Disclosure
Daniel M. Herron, MD, FACS, FASBMS, New York, NY - Nothing to Disclosure
Edith Tzeng, MD, FACS, Pittsburgh, PA - Nothing to Disclosure
Barbara Lee Bass, MD, FACS, FRCSEng(Hon), FRCSI(Hon), FCOSECSA(Hon), Houston, TX - Nothing to Disclosure
Quan-Yang Duh, MD, FACS, San Francisco, CA - Nothing to Disclosure
B. J. Hancock, MD, FACS, FRCSC, Winnipeg, MB - Nothing to Disclosure
Ronald V. Maier, MD, FACS, FRCSEd(Hon), Seattle, WA - Nothing to Disclosure
Continuing Medical Education Credit Information
The American College of Surgeons is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
The American College of Surgeons designates this enduring activity for a maximum of 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Of the AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ listed above, a maximum of 1.5 credits meets the requirements for Self-Assessment.
Note: Residents will receive a Certificate of Completion.
Available Credit
- 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.50 Certificate of Completion
- 1.50 Self Assessment Credit
This course is available as part of the Clinical Congress 2019 Webcast Packages