Moderator: Barbara Lee Bass, MD, FACS, FRCS(Hon), Houston, TX
Co-Moderator: Doruk E. Ozgediz, MD, FACS, FAAP, New Haven, CT

This Panel Session will highlight challenges and solutions for surgery in resource-limited settings from local champions. Panelists will be providers of surgical care based in resource limited areas. They will discuss firsthand challenges in areas of workforce constraints, service delivery, patient access, research, and infrastructure, and emphasize innovative locally developed solutions to these problems. Such solutions are often practiced but have no forum for wider dissemination. They will also provide local perspective on the highest priority and practical needs to advance surgical care in their environments.

Presentations and Speakers

East Africa Perspective
Pankaj G. Jani, MBChB, MMed, FRCPS, FCS(ECSA), Nairobi, Kenya 

West Africa Perspective
King David Terna Yawe, MD, FWACS, FICS, FISS, FIICA,MNIM, Lagos, Nigeria

Brazil and Latin America Perspective 
Marcelo A. F. Ribeiro, Jr., MD, FACS, São Paulo, Brazil

Oceania and Pacific Region Perspective 
David A. Watters, MBChB, ChM, FRCSEd, FRACS, Victoria, Australia