Moderator: Bryan A. Cotton, MD, MPH, FACS, Houston, TX
Co-Moderator: Clay Cothren Burlew, MD, FACS, Denver, CO
Damage-control laparotomy is a widely accepted operation for a select group of trauma patients. In the unstable multiple-injuries patient, the patient may require multiple trips to the operating room for attempted closure of the abdomen. This panel will include current accepted indications for damage control as well as the decision-making process for patients when the abdominal wall is not closable. Discussion will include new devices that are being used to help attempt re-approximate the open abdomen.
Presentations and Speakers
A Bandage Left on Too Long: The History of Damage Control Laparotomy
Bryan A. Cotton, MD, MPH, FACS, Houston, TX
Who Should We Be Closing and What Still Needs to Be Left Open in 2018? The Use of Learning Health Systems in Improving Outcomes
John A. Harvin, MD, FACS, Houston, TX
Hypertonic Saline, Volume Status, and Direct Peritoneal Resuscitation
Jason W. Smith, MD, PhD, FACS, Louisville, KY
Effectiveness of Sequential Closure and Dynamic Closure Devices
Clay Cothren Burlew, MD, FACS, Denver, CO
When We Fail: Approaches to Closing the Chronic Open Abdomen
Jin H. Ra, MD, FACS, Jacksonville, FL