1 Start 2 Complete Please rate the following statements ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor Overall, how would you rate this educational activity? Overall, how would you rate this educational activity? - Excellent Overall, how would you rate this educational activity? - Very Good Overall, how would you rate this educational activity? - Good Overall, how would you rate this educational activity? - Fair Overall, how would you rate this educational activity? - Poor Please rate the following statements on program topics and content Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree Program topics and content met the stated objectives. Program topics and content met the stated objectives. - Strongly Agree Program topics and content met the stated objectives. - Agree Program topics and content met the stated objectives. - Neutral Program topics and content met the stated objectives. - Disagree Program topics and content met the stated objectives. - Strongly Disagree Content was relevant to my educational needs. Content was relevant to my educational needs. - Strongly Agree Content was relevant to my educational needs. - Agree Content was relevant to my educational needs. - Neutral Content was relevant to my educational needs. - Disagree Content was relevant to my educational needs. - Strongly Disagree Educational format was conducive to learning. Educational format was conducive to learning. - Strongly Agree Educational format was conducive to learning. - Agree Educational format was conducive to learning. - Neutral Educational format was conducive to learning. - Disagree Educational format was conducive to learning. - Strongly Disagree This activity has improved my competence. This activity has improved my competence. - Strongly Agree This activity has improved my competence. - Agree This activity has improved my competence. - Neutral This activity has improved my competence. - Disagree This activity has improved my competence. - Strongly Disagree This activity will improve my performance. This activity will improve my performance. - Strongly Agree This activity will improve my performance. - Agree This activity will improve my performance. - Neutral This activity will improve my performance. - Disagree This activity will improve my performance. - Strongly Disagree This activity will enhance my communication skills. This activity will enhance my communication skills. - Strongly Agree This activity will enhance my communication skills. - Agree This activity will enhance my communication skills. - Neutral This activity will enhance my communication skills. - Disagree This activity will enhance my communication skills. - Strongly Disagree This activity will improve patient outcomes. This activity will improve patient outcomes. - Strongly Agree This activity will improve patient outcomes. - Agree This activity will improve patient outcomes. - Neutral This activity will improve patient outcomes. - Disagree This activity will improve patient outcomes. - Strongly Disagree This activity will improve processes of care and/or healthcare system performance. This activity will improve processes of care and/or healthcare system performance. - Strongly Agree This activity will improve processes of care and/or healthcare system performance. - Agree This activity will improve processes of care and/or healthcare system performance. - Neutral This activity will improve processes of care and/or healthcare system performance. - Disagree This activity will improve processes of care and/or healthcare system performance. - Strongly Disagree Program was free of commercial bias: Yes No If "No", please explain instances of commercial bias: How could this educational activity been enhanced? List a minimum of two things you are going to change as a result of what you have learned. Describe the barriers anticipated when implementing the above changes. Do you have any suggestions for future topics? Additional Comments: Leave this field blank