Video Based Education: Bariatric Surgery II Non-CME


The Video Based Education Webinar Series feature surgical videos by surgeons showcasing surgical procedures and current subjects across the spectrum of surgical practice. Each video has been reviewed by the ACS Video Based Education Committee for quality and content. These videos will expose surgeons to common and uncommon surgical operations and conditions. This month, we are sharing presentations from Bariatric Surgery II. Participants will gain familiarity with various surgical operations and conditions to help them identify areas where they might explore further training to improve skills and patient outcomes. Don’t miss the highlights from these important presentations on hepatobiliary surgery:

  • Lots Of Clots: Early Post-op Obstruction After Gastric Bypass
  • Robot-Assisted Takedown of Nissen Fundoplication With Conversion Of Sleeve Gastrectomy To Roux En Y Gastric Bypass
  • Gastric Outlet Obstruction Post Single Docking Robotic SADIs (Single Anastomosis Duodenal Switch)
  • Gastric Perforation After Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty with Plication
  • Management Of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Leak with Esophageal Perforation Using Endoluminal Vacuum Therapy


Target Audience

  • Practicing Surgeons
  • Residents
  • Medical Students

Learning Objectives

During the course, learners will:

  • Identify causes of bowel obstruction after gastric bypass
  • Recognize risks of gastric plication surgery
  • Identify how endoluminal vacuum therapy has value in treating esophageal leaks


Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 Certificate of Completion
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


Disclosure Information

In accordance with the ACCME Accreditation Criteria, the American College of Surgeons must ensure that anyone in a position to control the content of the educational activity (planners and speakers/authors/discussants/moderators) has disclosed all financial relationships with any commercial interest (termed by the ACCME as “ineligible companies”, defined below) held in the last 24 months (see below for definitions). Please note that first authors were required to collect and submit disclosure information on behalf all other authors/contributors, if applicable.

Ineligible company

The ACCME defines an “ineligible company” as any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services used on or consumed by patients. Providers of clinical services directly to patients are NOT included in this definition.

Financial Relationships

Relationships in which the individual benefits by receiving a salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria, ownership interest (e.g., stocks, stock options or other ownership interest, excluding diversified mutual funds), or other financial benefit.  Financial benefits are usually associated with roles such as employment, management position, independent contractor (including contracted research), consulting, speaking and teaching, membership on advisory committees or review panels, board membership, and other activities from which remuneration is received, or expected.  ACCME considers relationships of the person involved in the CME activity to include financial relationships of a spouse or partner.

Conflict of Interest

Circumstances create a conflict of interest when an individual has an opportunity to affect CME content about products or services of an ineligible company with which he/she has a financial relationship.

The ACCME also requires that ACS manage any reported conflict and eliminate the potential for bias during the educational activity.  Any conflicts noted below have been managed to our satisfaction. The disclosure information is intended to identify any commercial relationships and allow learners to form their own judgments. However, if you perceive a bias during the educational activity, please report it on the evaluation. 

Speaker and Moderator Disclosures

Daniel Herron - Intuitive Surgical: Honorarium: Faculty at educational meeting
Zachary Warriner - Nothing to disclose
Danny Mou - Nothing to disclose
Nancy Lu - Nothing to disclose
Sarah Yuen - Nothing to disclose
Michael Caposole - Intuitive Surgical: Honorarium: Research Consultant


Video-based Education Committee Disclosures

Adam J. Doyle, MD, FACS  -  Nothing to disclose
Andrew S. Wright, MD, FACS – Nothing to disclose
Angela Kokkosis, MD, FACS -  Nothing to disclose
Ankit D. Patel, MD, FACS -  Nothing to disclose
Barnard J. Palmer, MD, FACS -  Nothing to disclose
Brian P. Jacob, MD, FACS - International Hernia Collaboration: Equity: Founder, Medtronic: Honorarium/Grant for Meeting: Education
Brian R. Davis, MD, FACS - Nothing to disclose
Ceana H. Nezhat, MD, FACS - Plasma Surgical: Honorarium: Medical Advisor, Karl Storz Endoscopy: Honorarium: Medical Advisor, Lumenis: Honorarium: Medical Advisor, Novuson Surgical: Honorarium: Medical Advisor, Baxter: Honorarium: Medical Advisor, Aesculap: Honorarium: Medical Advisor, Predictive Laboratories: N/A: Medical Advisor
Christopher Kalmar, MD -   Nothing to disclose
Dana A. Telem, MD, MPH, FACS - Medtronic: Research Funding: Study PI
David J. Rowe, MD, FACS - Nothing to disclose
Flavio G. Rocha, MD, FACS - Nothing to disclose
Giovanni Dapri, MD, PhD, FACS -  Nothing to disclose
Gustavo G. Fernandez-Ranvier, MD, PhD, FACS -  Nothing to disclose
Imran Hassan, MBBS, FACS - Nothing to disclose
J. Scott Roth, MD, FACS - Becton Dickinson/CR Bard: Honoraria, Grant: Consultant, Investigator, Miromatrix: Stock Options: Consultant, Johnson & Johnson: Honoraria: Consultant
Jacquline M. M. Beitner, MD – Nothing to disclose
Joseph Scharpf, MD, FACS - Nothing to disclose
Krystal L. Tomei, MD, FACS - Nothing to disclose
Lee M. Morris, MD, FACS - Boston Scientific: Monetary Compensation: Consultant
Leslie A. Deane, MBBS, FRCSC, FACS -  Nothing to disclose
Lindsay Tse, DO -  Nothing to disclose
Manu S. Sancheti, MD, FACS -  Intuitive: Honorarium: Speaker, Surgeon Educator, Mentor
Mark E. Zafereo, MD, FACS - Eli Lilly: Research Grant Funding: PI of Clinical Trial, Merck: Research Grant Funding: PI of Clinical Trial, Eli Lilly: Cash Stipend, Medical Advisory Board
Nader M. Hebela, MD, FACS -Nothing to disclose
Patricia Sylla, MD, FACS -   Ethicon: Consulting Fee: Consulting, Medtronic: Consulting Fee: Consulting, Olympus: Consulting Fee: Consulting, Karl Storz: Consulting Fee: Consulting, Safeheal: Consulting Fee: Consulting, ColubrisMX: Consulting Fee: Consulting, GI Windows: Consulting Fee: Consulting
Patrick B. Garvey, MD, FACS -  Nothing to disclose
Patrick R. Reardon, MD, FACS -  Johnson & Johnson: Honorarium: Advisory Board
Paul F. Rider, MD, FACS -  Nothing to disclose
Radu Apostol, DO, FACS -  Nothing to disclose
Ramyar Gilani, MD, FACS - Nothing to disclose
Rockson C. Liu, MD, FACS - Intuitive Surgical: Honorarium: Consultant, BARD: Honorarium: Advisory Board, Medtronic: Honorarium: Speaking Engagement
Rohan A. Joseph, MD, FACS  – Nothing to disclose
Roman V. Petrov, MD, FACS - Nothing to disclose
Samir R. Pandya, MD, FACS – Nothing to disclose
Sean J. Langenfeld, MD, FACS -   Nothing to disclose
Sharon L. Stein, MD, FACS - Merck: Honorarium Research Funding: Speaking, Research, Smith: Honorarium: Consulting
Sharona B. Ross, MD, FACS - Intuitive Surgical: Honorarium: Consultant and Proctor
Shamir O. Cawich, MBBS, FACS  – Nothing to disclose
Sima P. Porten, MD, FACS – Photocure, Stryker: Honararium: Consultant; Urogen, Honararium: Advisor
Soham Roy, MD, FACS - Nothing to disclose
Stefan Scholz, MD, FACS – Nothing to disclose    
Subhashini M. Ayloo, MD, FACS – Nothing to disclose
Thomas J. Scharschmidt, MD, FACS -   Nothing to disclose
Toomas Anton, MD, FACS -  Nothing to disclose
Ziad T. Awad, MD, FACS -  Nothing to disclose


A Certificate of Completion will be awarded for this course. 

This activity is not eligible for CME or CE credits.

Available Credit

  • 1.00 Certificate of Completion

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Course Registration

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