Moderator: John A. Weigelt, MD, DVM, FACS, Sioux Falls, SD
Co-Moderator: Cornelius A. Thiels, DO, MBA, Rochester, MN

Algorithms to effectively manage surgical pain in patients who are opioid-dependent, using, or recovering from misuse, or who are in pain when first seen are urgently needed. While surgical procedures for these patients may differ, the goal of reducing opioid use to manage pain remains the same. This panel will highlight, through specific cases, how screening practices, working with pain management specialists, and employing multimodal analgesia in conjunction with minimal opioid dosing are effective strategies to manage pain, reduce complications, and improve functional and quality outcomes in patients with complex medical histories.

Presentations and Speakers

John A. Weigelt, MD, DVM, FACS, Sioux Falls, SD

Patient Engagement and Assessing the Risks for Subsequent Opioid Misuse in Surgical Patients
Richard W. Rosenquist, MD, Cleveland, OH

How to Manage the Patient with Pre-existing Opioid Use
Carolyn Lefkowits, MD, Aurora, CO

Multimodal and Multidisciplinary Team Approaches to Pain Management
David A. Kooby, MD, FACS, Atlanta, GA

Pain Management and the Geriatric Patient
Travis P. Webb, MD, MHPE, FACS, Milwaukee, WI