Clinical Congress 2018


MODERATOR: Loren S. Schechter, MD, FACS, Morton Grove, IL
CO-MODERATOR: Bradley D. Figler, MD, FACS, Chapel Hill, NC

Gender reassignment is a growing area of surgical practice requiring input from multiple disciplines. This proposal will address the needs of patients seeking gender reassignment, focusing on surgical principles and techniques. The panel will address surgical principles for facial, thoracic, and perineal reconstruction in patients undergoing gender reassignment.

Presentations and Speakers

Gender Identity and the Standards of Care
Randi Ettner, PhD, Evanston, IL

Top Surgery: Chest Surgery and Breast Augmentation
Cori A. Agarwal, MD, FACS, Salt Lake City, UT

Multidisciplinary Approach to Vaginoplasty: Urology Perspective
Daniel D. Dugi, MD, FACS, Portland, OR

Multidisciplinary Approach to Vaginoplasty: Plastic Surgery Perspective
William M. Kuzon, MD, PhD, FACS, Ann Arbor, MI

Techniques for Urethral Lengthening in Phalloplasty and Metoidioplasty
Ervin Kocjancic, MD, Chicago, IL