Moderator: Keith D. Lillemoe, MD, FACS, Boston, MA
Co-Moderator: Gary C. Vitale, MD, FACS, Louisville, KY

Bile duct injuries are less common than in the early years of laparoscopic cholecystectomy but still are occurring. Fortunately, most surgeons will never encounter this injury but if it occurs they need to know how to manage it. This panel will examine the factors that lead to iatrogenic bile duct injury during cholecystectomy and the current management techniques and outcomes.

Presentations and Speakers

Bile Duct Injuries: Incidence, Etiology, and Prevention
L. Michael Brunt, MD, FACS, St Louis, MO

Bile Duct Injuries: The Role of the Endoscopist in Diagnosis and Management
Gary C. Vitale, MD, FACS, Louisville, KY

Surgical Management and Contemporary Outcomes
Emily R. Winslow, MD, MSCI, FACS, Madison, WI

Case Presentations and Discussion
Keith D. Lillemoe, MD, FACS, Boston, MA